Highlight of Me


I am a Kansan, a Texan, and an Oklahoman. Also an Aggie, a Cowboy and a Sooner. And an ardent Thunder fan. And an equally ardent Spurs fan.


Three words that I wished described me: Passionate, Fun and Fierce.


Three things that really describe me: Older than I wish I was;  weaker than I wish I was; complacent and comfortable with that.


Things I am passionate about: my wonderful husband; family and friends; creatures and creature welfare; nature; equality and fairness and compassion for all. Oh, and Books.


I spend most of my time: with my creatures; at the Shelter; in the garden; cycling, target shooting. And reading.


Three wishes: I wish I could visit the past; I wish I could see into the future; I wish the present were a perfect place.